Christmas holidays. 10 Tips for Staying Fit


At the end of the Christmas holidays, how often you were not be able to wear your beloved tight jeans or button your fitted white shirt that inevitably pulls right there, at the waist?

Eating too much, lie down in the couch right after lunch or dinner and watch Christmas movies, means weight gain and the anger for having destroyed the conscientious work during the year.

After all Christmas time is the only period in which you can taste the delicious food that you do not eat during the other 11 months of the year.

Here below there are some practical tips to stay healthy and fit during the Christmas holidays:

1. Be active. Do not stop your workout routine

In case you do not work out, plan a daily walk after lunch or dinner in order to balance the increasing calories intake with physical activity.

2. Do not call for an encore. Do not eat too much only to please your host

Politely decline the encore is often enough to keep an eye on your body weight.

3. Check the portion size

If you are invited to a buffet party do not park yourself in front of the buffet, fill your plate and that is your portion for the all meal. And, how to refuse those delicious Christmas cookies just baked? It’s enough to get one, and not eight cookies.

4. Drink responsibly, and mostly water

Will help you stay hydrated and avoid excesses of food that can instead be stimulated by alcohol consumption.

5. Deal with Temptation: Share the temptation foods with friends, colleagues and relatives

To resist temptation, eat fruit and vegetables every day because they are poor in calories and keep the stomach full due to the amount of fibers contained.

6. Enjoy the company: Focus on the conversation is completely Calorie-Free

Do not eat during conversations, sip water instead, it’s easy to lose track of what you are eating when you are busy with other things.

7. Standing rather than sitting burns far more calories

So get up and socialize during a party and if you are invited, offer your help and move.

8. Do not go hungry. Many people think that skipping meals before a “binge” can help to save calories.

That’s not true. Skipping meals helps you only to get more hungry and eat quickly. The ideal would be to have a small light snack before going to dinner, like a yogurt, a fresh fruit or vegetables.

9. Sleep. Do not miss the habit to sleep regularly

Being able to sleep at least 7-8 hours a night makes you feel better and makes you feel fit.

10. Eat slowly and consciously as long as you are satisfied, but not full.

If you feel the sense of satiety you have already gone beyond your real needs for calories.

Finally, do not forget to give a smile to those who need it!

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