Body and Mind. 5 mind factors to feel well with the body


Body and Mind form a totality, to feel good, enjoy life and being in harmony with what surrounds us. Mens Sana in Corpore Sano.

It is well known that in order to feel well with the body, it is not possible to neglect the mind.

Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, argued that, psychic and the physical energy, are two different aspects of one and the same thing (Jung, 1950).

The mind, therefore, affects the body as well as the body affects the mind.

5 mind factors to feel well with the body

1. Lifestyle

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Living in a positive state, completeness and harmony, dynamics and balance are key words for health psychology.

They aim is to prevent the negativity by promoting positive attitudes, a healthy body, an efficient brain and mind, especially when the ageing process has already started**.

2. Personality

It is inevitable that the passage of time, leaves some marks on our body and decreases the ability of our mind.

But the body can be healed and the mind renewed constantly.

The personality in fact has the power to expand and improve our body.

Therefore, it’s possible to remain attractive and fit acting from the outside.


Stop neglecting your soul and body and protect your health with good sense and moderation.

3. Listening to your body

From a scientific point of view, the interaction between biological, psychological and social aspects determine the duration and the quality of life.

Stress can affect seriously the quality of life, especially if you are no longer young.

Listening to your body, respecting the rhythms and the limits, finding the time to stop, relaxing, listening to music are actions that can help to respond to it.

4. Think Positive

You should must get a positive mental attitude and an active and collaborative way of living.

5. You can do it

For the health psychology, only you are the protagonist of your daily existence. You are the only one that can love your body and mind.

Despite the passage of time, there is always plenty to do for yourself, for people of your same age and for the next generations.


*The constitution of the World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1978).

**Cicognani and Zani, 2000

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