Now it’s time for your skin to go on holidays


Summer is the period in which the skin receives a lot of attention. If you have done things right.

Hydration h24. In the morning before sun exposure, at the seaside and after the shower.

And in fact, the skin is transformed, more hydrated, more homogeneous, more compact than ever!

If you have not done them correctly, your skin will most likely not look so healthy. It looks like it needs to go on holidays!

Sun is responsible for skin aging and promotes wrinkles.

Under the sun the skin loses so much water that appears dry and rough when touched.

If you do not belong to the group of diligents who did things right, know that your skin has undergone a real stress and does not wait any longer to receive from you the best care to return to breathe and shine.


Even for the more diligents, it is important to keep the skin moisturised especially after the sun exposition stress.

Under the sun, since a huge amount of water evaporates, the skin is abandoned by its 2 most precious allies, hydration and elasticity.   

This process damages the hydrolipidic barriers that have the task of retain moisture and protect the skin from external agents.

Do not think to solve the problem with the usual creams that you apply on face during the year. 

Something more is needed!

You need a BEAUTY TREATMENTS PROGRAM to follow in the next months.

In House

First, plan a beautiful MOISTURIZING MASK, apply it even while you prepare dinner or read a good book. It will penetrate into the pores and supply “water” after so many days of “drought”. 

Every morning apply a THICK DAY MOISTURIZING CREAM with SPF.

OPERATION H2O. Drinking lots of water does not only help to moisturize the skin but also benefits the internal organs.

At the beauty center

It’s name is MEMIDERM and it is an innovative and versatile solution of the Panestetic ESSENTIAL line.

It combines 2 technologies in 1 machine only, the vacuum suction for tissue regeneration and the microdermabrasion carried out by diamond tips.

MEMIDERM acts through MESOPORATION, a technology that maximizes the effectiveness of the applied products, delivering the active ingredients into the skin in a highly performing manner.

MEMIDERM acts quickly and painlessly, ensuring numerous benefits:
  1. Deeep hydration
  2. it gives immediate compactness and brightness
  3. Eliminates impurities and provides effective anti-aging exfoliation
  4. Attenuates deep wrinkles, scars and stretch marks
  5. Lightens and illuminates the skin
  6. Stimulates the circulation favoring the vital flow of oxygen
  7. Improve drainage by diminishing bags, dark circles, puffiness and signs of tiredness
  8. Accelerates the regenerative processes of the skin
  9. Accelerates cell metabolism and increase turnover

If you want more information about Memiderm, e-mail us at

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